Our Tenants
Dementia Canterbury is a long-established Charitable Trust, delivering professional services for people living with Dementia/Mate Wareware in the community across the Canterbury/Otautahi and West Coast regions.
Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinsons Canterbury Charitable Trust provides services and support for those with or affected by MS or Parkinson’s, which are life-long chronic neurological conditions.
Southern Music Therapy is a private practice working within the Canterbury region, we currently have clinic spaces in both Halswell as well as here at BrainTree Wellness Centre in Papanui.
Aspire Canterbury has been an integral part of the Christchurch disability and elderly community since 1982. We enhance the lives of disabled people, and people with impairments by enabling community participation and maximum independence.
Adult Conductive Education Trust assists disabled people with cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions to maintain routine life skills and help them reach their maximum potential. To achieve this, we provide weekly holistic/physical sessions facilitated by a Conductor (specialist trained in Conductive Education) and a Speech and Language Therapist in both a group and on an individual basis. We also offer weekly group music and movement sessions lead by a registered Music Therapist
BrainTree Wellness Centre is the home for community organisations supporting people with neuroglogical conditions in Christchurch.