BrainTree Golfing with the Stars 2023

The 3rd BrainTree Golfing with the Stars at Clearwater on Friday was bigger and brighter than ever. Featuring 32 big name sporting heros, including Sir Bob Charles and Wynton Rufer, 160 golfers and 40 volunteers.

There was healthy competition on the golf course, and there was plenty of bonhomie. The two Brendans (Prendergast and Quill) set the tone from the get go with an entertaining pre-match briefing, complete with waving lamb rack (confused, we were too!). It left you in no doubt that you couldn't take yourself too seriously today.

Despite the best efforts of some extraordinary golfers the four holes in one remained elusive. Next year maybe.

A huge shout out to our major sponsors, Linde Material Handling, Direct Logistics, GVI Logistics, and Charter Transport, all the teams, volunteers, stars and Clearwater Golf Club who combined to raise funds for Braintree Wellness Centre and to have a lot of fun. You're making a huge impact and we love you for it.


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