BrainTree Wellness Centre reaches first milestone
We're so excited 🥳 and grateful 🙏🙏🙏
We've reached our first milestone - raising $2 million in March - and now we've been given the green light to purchase the land.
It's all go on the detailed design and we're aiming to have consents and be ready to start building in September.
There are so many people to thank for getting us to this stage so quickly.
We are incredibly fortunate to have received support from a relatively small group of anchor benefactors whose generosity is both overwhelming and humbling. They loved the idea of a centre to help people with neurological conditions to live well.
We also received substantial grants from Rātā Foundation and the Christchurch City Council.
The Covid-19 level 4 lockdown curtailed our fundraising efforts over the past month. However, with the move to level 2, we are resuming our contact with potential donors. We are also preparing for a public fundraising campaign over winter to raise the final funds we need to start building. We have many creative ideas and we would love you to be involved with these.
We are seeking expressions of interest from like-minded groups or businesses who wish to become co-tenants of the BrainTree centre. There is up to 300 m2 of office and/or consulting space available to accommodate a range of tenants. All options are being considered, from hot desks to a fully self-contained office.
There are a number of ways to become involved as a supporter of BrainTree:
💥 Donations – not just money, your contribution could be in kind; in product/services to support the building project, or could be raffled or auctioned to raise funds.
💥 You might be able to offer us a low-interest loan.
💥 You could help by introducing us to potential tenants, or to organisations who might be interested in supporting BrainTree.
BrainTree is a very exciting project to be involved with and it's fast becoming a reality. We'll keep you posted on how we're progressing and we'd love to hear from you if you can help in any way.
You can contact us by email at or Or by phone at 021 246 0451.
To find out more about BrainTree visit or follow us on Facebook.